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Trip & Travel

Trip Planning Guidelines

GS NorCal Approved High-Risk Vendor List




A trip is defined as any time your group has an activity at a time or location other than your regularly scheduled meeting place. This includes any change of troop meeting time or location as well as any day trips, field trips, or overnight trips. Exception: your activity is not defined as a trip if your group starts and ends at your regular meeting location and walks to your destination and your activity isn’t a high risk activity as defined by Safety-Wise.


New online Process

  1.  Did you know that if you go camping, even if it is in your backyard you need to fill out a trip form online. Trip/High Adventure form 

  2.  Did you know if you want to go horseback riding it is considered a high adventure activity so the form must be filled out online?  Trip/High Adventure form 

  3. Did you know you must go to an approved vendor as well?  Trip/High Adventure form 

  4. Did you know that trampolines are never allowed even at Rockin Jump?  Trip/High Adventure form 

  5. Did you know that you cannot have a swim party unless you have lifeguards on duty and the facility is approved? Trip/High Adventure form 


Please take the time to review the Volunteer Essential under safety wise.  This will help to plan your trip and high adventure activity.

Click on link for Volunteer Essentials 
Click on link for the Trip/High Adventure form 
It is recommended that groups spend two years planning and preparing for a major trip. Encourage girls to gather the needed information to submit the Trip or High Adventure Approval Form themselves. (


Type of Trip/Event 

  • Trip is less than 60 miles from your regular meeting  place, under 6 hours in duration, and not  high adventure [SAFETY-WISE: High Adventure Activities]

  •  Council sponsored activities in the  Program Guide 

  • Activities where girls walk or ride their own bicycles as part of their regularly scheduled meetings

  • Service unit activities that are less than 3 nights and are not high adventure 

Approval process and time line for submitting the Trip or High Adventure Approval Form 

The Trip or High Adventure Approval Form is not required, but you should inform your service unit of the activity plans. Email

  • Trip is farther than 60 miles from your regular meeting  place and longer than 6 hours in duration but not  high adventure

  •  Any overnight trip 

  • Event/trip of any length includes a high adventure activity

The Trip or High Adventure Approval Form must be submitted to GSNorCal. Travel plans require approval from the council at least two weeks prior to the trip

The Trip or High Adventure Approval Form must be submitted to GSNorCal. Travel plans require approval from the council at least 4-6 weeks prior to the trip. 

  •  Trip is 3 nights or more 

  • International trip 

The Trip or High Adventure Approval Form must be submitted to GSNorCal. Travel plans require approval from the council at least 6 months prior to the trip. 
It is recommended that groups spend two years planning and preparing for a major trip. Encourage girls to gather the needed information to submit the Trip or High Adventure Approval Form themselves

Contact the Risk Management & Travel team

at if you have any questions

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